Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Good Morning all! Day 3: 09-06-2021 LInk for MS Team https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGM2YWM5MzctNjQyYS00OGZjLWI5MDMtOTdiNzYwZGIzMDI0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2225176a81-d60a-4083-8b70-36db56c4ff66%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d663ebab-0ce4-48e9-8df0-fac33af03a28%22%7d YouTube Link https://youtu.be/uUspsS-qyFo Timing: 3.00 to 4.30 p.m.
Good Morning all! Day 2: 08-09-2021. LInk for MS Team https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGM2YWM5MzctNjQyYS00OGZjLWI5MDMtOTdiNzYwZGIzMDI0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2225176a81-d60a-4083-8b70-36db56c4ff66%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d663ebab-0ce4-48e9-8df0-fac33af03a28%22%7d YouTube LInk https://youtu.be/SOw20h1XmvU


Very Goodmorning all!
Link for One Week Certification Program for Library Support Staff
Platform:- MS Teams 

for joining webinar download MS Teams on your Laptop or Mobile

Click on the given link, enter your name and join the meeting with computer Audio

You Tube Link  


Timings: 3.00p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Monday, December 7, 2020


SSC Delhi Police Constable 2020 Exam Analysis (1st to 4th Dec, 28th & 27th Nov): Difficulty Level of Online Exam - 'Easy to Moderate', Check Good Attempts to Clear Cutoff Marks

18 hrs ago
SSC Delhi Police Constable 2020 Exam Analysis (1st to 4th Dec, 28th & 27th Nov): Check the detailed exam analysis of the SSC Delhi Police Constable 2020 Exam held in online mode on 27th & 28th November, 1st to 4th December 2020 in the Objective type MCQ format. So, let’s look at the type of questions asked in this exam.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Covid19 Lockdown Library services

Stay home stay safe
 Discover a new interest this weekend ...
Explore your creative side
 Let your curiosity guide you into something new ...
Whether you’re interested in learning how to play guitar, edit videos with Final Cut Pro, take beautiful photographs, or write a screenplay, let your curiosity guide you into something new with one of these courses or Specializations.

Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR Specialization
Michigan State University
Enroll now
5 courses
Mastering Final Cut Pro
Enroll now
1 course
Guitar for Beginners
Berklee College of Music
Enroll now
1 course
Child Nutrition and Cooking
Enroll now
1 course
Write a Feature Length Screenplay for Film or Television
Michigan State University
Enroll now
1 course
Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization
University of Michigan
Enroll now
5 courses
Fashion as Design
Enroll now
1 course
Graphic Design Specialization
Enroll now
5 courses
Music Production Specialization
Berklee College of Music
Enroll now
4 courses
The DIY Musician Specialization
Berklee College of Music
Enroll now
4 courses
Design and Make Infographics (Project-Centered Course)
Michigan State University
Enroll now
1 course
Game Design: Art and Concepts Specialization
Enroll now
5 courses
Explore more courses
Is your university impacted by COVID-19? Here’s what you can do.
For any college or university impacted by COVID-19, Coursera is offering free access to 3,800 courses from world-class universities like Yale, the University of Michigan, Imperial College London, and more.

University leaders, sign up through July 31, 2020, to request free access to Coursera for Campus.

Students, use this message to bring Coursera for Campus to your college or university.
Download our mobile app and learn on the go
Connect with Coursera

Covid19 Lockdown Library services

World Health Organisation open courses
Global News

New courses and languages available

We are pleased to announce three new courses which have recently become available on OpenWHO:
COVID-19 resources available in more languages
The platform now has a total of 61 resources for COVID-19 spread across 21 languages, the newest being Bengali, Polish and Urdu, with many more in the pipeline. The most recent translations include:
New certificates available
Participants can now gain a Record of Achievement if they score 80% or higher on the assessments in the following courses:
Complete list of COVID-19 learning resources
In summary, OpenWHO currently offers courses covering the following topics and languages to support the response to COVID-19:
Best wishes,
OpenWHO team